On April 1, 2003, the first episode of Red vs. Blue took the internet by storm, heralding the dawn of a new era of online viral video. Based on the explosively popular video game franchise Halo, Red vs. Blue was unlike anything online audiences had ever seen before... and still is. From tank romances to alien offspring, buddy clubs, knock-knock jokes, laser faces and more, this is the sci-fi comedy that paved the way for an entire generation of online video, while keeping audiences around the world laughing the whole time. New episodes air Sundays at 12pm CT for Sponsors (Mondays at 12pm CT for RT Site Members). http://www.roosterteeth.com Not a sponsor? Sign up for a 30 day trial now: http://bit.ly/1omg8MN

TV Playlist Settings

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title Red vs. Blue
description On April 1, 2003, the first episode of Red vs. Blue took the internet by storm, heralding the dawn of a new era of online viral video. Based on the explosively popular video game franchise Halo, Red vs. Blue was unlike anything online audiences had ever seen before... and still is. From tank romances to alien offspring, buddy clubs, knock-knock jokes, laser faces and more, this is the sci-fi comedy that paved the way for an entire generation of online video, while keeping audiences around the world laughing the whole time. New episodes air Sundays at 12pm CT for Sponsors (Mondays at 12pm CT for RT Site Members). http://www.roosterteeth.com Not a sponsor? Sign up for a 30 day trial now: http://bit.ly/1omg8MN
channel Red vs. Blue
published 2015-02-16T21:09:02.000Z
genre Comedy / Gaming
tags Youtube / Funny / Games
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